
Genuine You offers highly personalized service and professional consultation regarding natural approaches to common health and lifestyle dilemmas that prevent you from living your best life. All programs, goods and services are designed to impart holistic knowledge and healing for your highest benefit. Don’t let these challenging times stop you from living your dreams. Deb's mission to empower you to transform yourself.

The concept of clean living is essential in the world we live today. Healthy lifestyles are just as important for the planet and for regional communities as they are for us as individuals. Heal yourself, heal the planet. Deb's Grocery Store Tours and Pantry Purges are two really fun and motivating ways to transition into making healthier choices as woke consumers and savvy shoppers. Learn how to read food labels, how and why you want to choose the least processed foods, how to save money on organic purchases, how to make healthy subsititutes for food cravings and so much more.   

Transformational Packages are individualized based upon your unique needs, desires, goals and perceived limitations. They guide you to make step-by-step, sustainable changes that you build on as you go. Learn how to prevent disease using foods, movement and mindfulness practices. Discover how to reduce inflammation and support a healthy immune system. Clear energetic blocks so you can create new routines that help you sleep better, think clearly, feel great and look your best!  These packages are designed so that by the end you will have acquired the tools you need to maintain your newly optimized level of health and vitality on your own.  

Are you ready to reap the benefits of unlearning myths you have been told about how to lose weight and attain health, happiness and success? Imagine your joy when you fully realize that you don't have to suffer deprivation or take a bunch of questionable pills in order to see real results. You have what it takes right now to live the best expression of your true self. The first step is recognizing that you are worth the investment.   

6 month Transformational Programs: $150/month

  • Two 50-minute Personal Sessions per month: Included

  • Email support between visits: Included

  • Printed materials/Handouts/Recipes: Included

  • Giveaways/Free gifts: Included

  • Special Guest savings on events & workshops

Individual Wellness Services:

  • Grocery Store Tours ~ How to shop for optimal health: $35

  • Pantry Purges ~ Plunge into chemical-free living: $50

  • 30 / 45-minute Personal Consultation: $45 / $65

  • Nutrition Demos & Wellness Classes: Per event

  • Chakra clearing & Angel card readings: $15

  • Meditation Stones/Zen Garden Rocks as marked

Watch for Special Offers

Are you ready to let your happiest, healthiest, truest self shine?  

Let's have a conversation. All initial consultations are free. Come and talk about options that resonate and leave with at least one personalized health insight. Get a sneak peak at how exciting your program can be based on exactly where you are standing today and where you'd like to be. The free session gives you the opportunity to discern whether or not this approach is a good match for you - no strings!